Union Political Contributions

I just learned through my Local union president that OPSEU contributed $55,425 to the NDP in the recent federal election campaign.  Aside from the fact that I don’t think that union dollars should be spent on political campaigns, I have a real problem with the politics of how this money was distributed.

Unions have always been heavily vocal and influencial in political campaigns.  The history of this political connection goes way back to Social Democratic Party in 1911.  Obviously unions want to support candidates and parties that will further the common goals of the union and the party.  This seems a reasonable thing if it was restricted to an verbal or written endorsement.  How ever financial contributions are a totally different matter.

In this past campaign, OPSEU decided to endorse the NDP both with words and finances.  What really ticks me off is that the OPSEU board passed a motion to contribute $55K for political contributions for this campaing, but defeated an amendment that allowed this money to be distributed to OPSEU members that are running campaigns for parties other than the NDP.

So just to make this clear:  If you are an OPSEU member running for election, you get financial support as long as you run under the NDP flag.  If you are a Liberal running, then you are on your own. 

In this day and age of strategic left-wing voting, is the union really looking after the best interests of it’s members by choosing a party to support?  It is surely not representing the membership when they make decisions like this.  Leah Castleman has once again hijacked the union to further her personal political beliefs.

These contributions don’t reflect my political views and I believe that they actually run contrary to the good of the country.  If OPSEU had desided to endorse the Liberals instead of the NDP, then maybe there would have been a couple of more seats for the Liberals.  To me any effort that keeps the Conservatives out of office would further the union’s objectives.   Sometimes even the left have to vote centre to deal with specific situations.

All that aside, there was absolutely no communication with the members about this.  No one asked my opinion about where my dues should be sent.  I’m a left leaning person and am pissed, just think how angry a conservative OPSEU member would be.

Our local president is trying to raise awareness on the issue in our region and hopes that the matter will be dealth with at our annual convention. I’m not holding my breath.  Needless to say, I’ll be writing a letter to our fearless, yet misguided, ruler.  If you an OPSEU member reading this I would suggest you do the same.

Published in: on February 3, 2006 at 10:58 am  Comments (4)  

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